Monday, September 26, 2011


I don't know about any of you, but we have so many stinking wasps at our house! They are all over our garden and by the shed and making their nasty little nest things everywhere, including hiding them in places you put your fingers without looking so they can swarm you and sting! They are nuts!

So we have had some experience with them recently and I thought I would share my remedy if you get stung...

As soon as you are stung get ice on it immediately! I'm talking quick, it helps with slowing down the spread of venom and makes it less of a welt later. Mud also helps the same, or baking soda. We tried putting a cut onion on the area after but we really didn't notice a difference.

If you do not have ice close put a cold drink on it, anything helps.

Usually the area where you were stung gets red and welty looking between 6-24 hours after being stung. There are a few things that will help with the itchy/red/hotness.
Lavender oil works wonders on wasp stings. Also Hydrocortizone cream and allergy pills will take the edge off.

If it looks seepy, oozing, or looks like its getting infected, quit picking at it and keep it clean and dry. And draw a circle around it with a marker to check if it is in fact getting bigger. If there is ever a line running off from it get to your doctor ASAP!

Most wasp/bee stings can be taken care of at home, there is no need to rush to the ER for the sting unless you are severely allergic which you should have an EPI pen with you at all times, but that is a whole different matter entirely.

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