Friday, March 18, 2011


So now that the snow has melted we have a problem! VOLES! Those sneaky rodents have burrowed into our yard... our brand new yard we spent so much time and effort on! I freaking hate them!

Little do they know, they are in for a poisonous treat...hahaha!

Voles construct well-defined, visible tunnels, or "runways" at or near the surface, about two inches wide. Vole runways result from the voles eating the grass blades, as well as from the constant traffic of numerous little feet beating over the same path. And if any lawn and garden pest can literally “beat a path” through the grass due to their sheer numbers, it’s the voles.

Not only do they ruin your lawn, they do not hibernate, and they eat your tree's roots and kill them! And to make it worse...They breed! They can have up to 17 liters in a year! Yikes! Usually about 4 babies in a litter and it only takes them a month to grow into adults....we could be in for some trouble if we don't poison them fast!

I hope its not too late!

1 comment:

Laura said...

We had that problem last year. But they didn't show up this year. Good luck.